8 research outputs found

    Relacións hídricas, nutrición e transporte nas plantas

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    Titulación: Grao en Enxeñaría Agrícola e Agroalimentaria -- Materia: Fisioloxía VexetalEsta unidade didáctica denominada «Relacións hídricas, nutrición e transporte nas plantas» forma parte da materia «Fisioloxía vexetal» que se imparte no primeiro semestre do 2º curso do Grao en «Enxeñaría Agrícola e Agroalimentaria». Esta materia trata dos distintos procesos fisiolóxicos que acontecen nas plantas. Nunha primeira parte, estúdase como a importancia da auga para os seres vivos é consecuencia das súas propiedades físicas e químicas exclusivas. Por outra parte, analízase o transporte da auga e os nutrientes na planta. A continuación, trátase dos factores endóxenos e exóxenos que regulan a fotosíntese. Posteriormente, trátase de coñecer a regulación endóxena e exóxena do desenvolvemento das plantas e como é a fisioloxía da planta en condicións de estrés. Por último, analízanse as técnicas e aplicacións utilizadas na biotecnoloxía vexetal. Na Unidade Didáctica «Relacións hídricas, nutrición e transporte nas plantas» preténdese amosar as bases do proceso de absorción, nutrición e transporte nas plantas.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Delay of germination-1 (DOG1): a key to understanding seed dormancy

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    [Abstract] DELAY OF GERMINATION-1 (DOG1), is a master regulator of primary dormancy (PD) that acts in concert with ABA to delay germination. The ABA and DOG1 signaling pathways converge since DOG1 requires protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) to control PD. DOG1 enhances ABA signaling through its binding to PP2C ABA HYPERSENSITIVE GERMINATION (AHG1/AHG3). DOG1 suppresses the AHG1 action to enhance ABA sensitivity and impose PD. To carry out this suppression, the formation of DOG1-heme complex is essential. The binding of DOG1-AHG1 to DOG1-Heme is an independent processes but essential for DOG1 function. The quantity of active DOG1 in mature and viable seeds is correlated with the extent of PD. Thus, dog1 mutant seeds, which have scarce endogenous ABA and high gibberellin (GAs) content, exhibit a non-dormancy phenotype. Despite being studied extensively in recent years, little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying the transcriptional regulation of DOG1. However, it is well-known that the physiological function of DOG1 is tightly regulated by a complex array of transformations that include alternative splicing, alternative polyadenylation, histone modifications, and a cis-acting antisense non-coding transcript (asDOG1). The DOG1 becomes modified (i.e., inactivated) during seed after-ripening (AR), and its levels in viable seeds do not correlate with germination potential. Interestingly, it was recently found that the transcription factor (TF) bZIP67 binds to the DOG1 promoter. This is required to activate DOG1 expression leading to enhanced seed dormancy. On the other hand, seed development under low-temperature conditions triggers DOG1 expression by increasing the expression and abundance of bZIP67. Together, current data indicate that DOG1 function is not strictly limited to PD process, but that it is also required for other facets of seed maturation, in part by also interfering with the ethylene signaling components. Otherwise, since DOG1 also affects other processes such us flowering and drought tolerance, the approaches to understanding its mechanism of action and control are, at this time, still inconclusive

    Softening-up mannan-rich cell walls

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    The softening and degradation of the cell wall (CW), often mannan enriched, is involved in several processes during development of higher plants, such as meristematic growth, fruit ripening, programmed cell death, and endosperm rupture upon germination. Mannans are also the predominant hemicellulosic CW polymers in many genera of green algae. The endosperm CWs of dry seeds often contain mannan polymers, sometimes in the form of galactomannans (Gal-mannans). The endo-beta-mannanases (MANs) that catalyse the random hydrolysis of the beta-linkage in the mannan backbone are one of the main hydrolytic enzymes involved in the loosening and remodelling of CWs. In germinating seeds, the softening of the endosperm seed CWs facilitates the emergence of the elongating radicle. Hydrolysis and mobilization of endosperm Gal-mannans by MANs also provides a source of nutrients for early seedling growth, since Gal-mannan, besides its structural role, serves as a storage polysaccharide. Therefore, the role of mannans and of their hydrolytic enzymes is decisive in the life cycle of seeds. This review updates and discusses the significance of mannans and MANs in seeds and explores the increasing biotechnological potential of MAN enzymes

    Molecular analysis of endo-β-mannanase genes upon seed imbibition suggest a cross-talk between radicle and micropylar endosperm during germination of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The endo-β-mannanase (MAN) family is represented in the Arabidopsis genome by eight members, all with canonical signal peptides and only half of them being expressed in germinating seeds. The transcripts of these genes were localized in the radicle and micropylar endosperm (ME) before radicle protrusion and this expression disappears as soon as the endosperm is broken by the emerging radicle tip. However, only three of these MAN genes, AtMAN5, AtMAN7 and especially AtMAN6 influence the germination time (t50) as assessed by the analysis of the corresponding knock-out lines. The data suggest a possible interaction between embryo and ME regarding the role of MAN during the Arabidopsis germination process